If you wear a helmet while driving

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If you wear a helmet while driving

Post by Alan »

boy, do we have a deal for you

Because it looks pretty silly, we have a special offer for a limited time. Get your head printed on your helmet so it doesn't look as if you are wearing a helmet at all. Sure, it makes you look like you have huge melon but think of the possibilities? You can add hair if you are thinning, straighten your hooter, give yourself duck lips if you are that way inclined or even have some other head to wear.

I mean women wear make up to deceive so all is fair in love and war. And you need never take it off so she will never know it isn't your real bonce.
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Re: If you wear a helmet while driving

Post by Darren »

They need these in Trashla's since the camera (aka Elon) is constantly watching you "to make sure your eyes are on the road" and definitely not for alternate reasons.
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